Future Farming Expo is an exhibition that will focus on knowledge exchange so that every visitor goes home feeling like they have gained a crucial understanding of where the industry is heading, and how to tackle the challenges head on.
Arable and Livestock
Farm Business
and Diversification
Sustainability and
Smart Technology
and AI
Our Sustainable Venue
As the world rapidly changes to reach the net-zero goal, P&J Live has been built to the highest environmental standards. The venue uses food and garden waste from Aberdeen, that is processed in an anaerobic digestion plant, where hydrogen gas is harvested and used to power the energy centre.
By attending Future Farming Expo Scotland, you will have the opportunity to experience an exclusive tour of the innovative system. To book your tour, click here.

Part of the ONE Agritech Programme series of webinars and recorded in February 2023, this webinar explores the latest tech and tools to improve grassland management and productivity.
An exciting technology project for north east Scotland’s farming sector has attracted strong interest from farms keen to trial new digital solutions.
The ONE Agritech Programme for future farming technology demonstrates the practical application of digital solutions in arable and livestock enterprises of all sizes to improve profits, save time, cope with less labour and meet the challenge of net-zero carbon emissions. The aim of the programme is to demonstrate and validate the benefits and practical application of smart innovative technology to farmers, as a route to improve the productivity and sustainability of Scottish farms.
Agriculture and related land use contribute significantly to UK greenhouse gas emissions. The Scottish Government and UK Climate Change Committee have pledged to support the necessary changes in land ...
James Hutton Ltd (JHL) seeks to integrate 5G Internet of Things (IoT) enabled precision farming systems on the Mylnefield Research Farm located at the James Hutton Institute (JHI) to demonstrate where ...
A farm in Suffolk has stepped up its adoption of precision farming tools as part of a drive to increase production, minimise the environmental footprint, and buffer the loss of direct support.
A farm in Derbyshire has used Terramap to make significant savings on liming through variable rate applications.
We hear a lot about soil health, but where do you begin, what metrics should you be using? By taking a broad-spectrum soil sample you’ll get all the data mentioned before...
Nitrogen applied now is required to grow grass for the last rotation. Applying nitrogen after early October may not be economical...
The focus of this period is to gradually build pre-grazing covers, targeting covers of 3,500kg to 3,700kg DM/ha in mid-September. Be careful not allow covers build beyond 4,000kg DM/ha for grazing...